Cultivating the Means
Cultivating the Means will teach you how to cultivate a personal supply of mushrooms using a well-established method for beginners. This method (using a brown rice flour medium) can yield fruits in approximately 10 weeks. However, this module will focus less on the “what” and more on the “why” of each step and the underlying principles. Overarching “why” topics include the workflow and elements of a sterile workspace, substrate thickness and moisture content, thermodynamics of a fruiting chamber, and strategies for troubleshooting issues. Although this module will walk through each step of the cultivation process, participants are strongly encouraged to review how-to instructions before attending the workshop. A little preparation will make this module much more impactful and effective. Workshop enrollment also includes a one-on-one, 30-minute video conference with Daniel to review the workshop materials and/or troubleshoot cultivation.